Minnesota Oversize and Overweight Permits
Minnesota Maximum Load Limits Before a Permit is Required:
Length: 53 feet
Width: 8 feet 6 inches
Height: 13 feet 6 inches
Weight: 80,000 pounds GVW
Overhang: 3 feet (front), 4 feet (rear)
When Are Pilot Cars or Escort Vehicles Required in Minnesota?
Escort Vehicle or Pilot Car Requirements for Heavy-Haul or Oversize Loads:
95 to 110 feet: 1 rear pilot car or escort vehicle required.
Over 110 feet: 1 front escort and 1 rear chase pilot car required.
Over 12 feet 6 inches: One rear escort may be required on most state roads.
14 feet 6 inches to 16 feet:
1 front pilot car and 1 rear escort on non-divided highways.
1 rear escort on divided highways.
Over 16 feet: 1 front pilot car and a police/LPA escort on the rear.
18 feet or wider: Requires a police escort.
For roads with fewer than 4 lanes: 1 front pilot car required.
For roads with 4 or more lanes: 1 rear escort required.
15 feet wide or more: Requires a second escort.
Over 14 feet 6 inches: A high pole may be required, depending on the route.
Permits will specify whether they are valid for 3 or 5 days.
How Much Do Trucking Permits Cost in Minnesota?
Minnesota Permit Fees:
Single Trip Oversize Permits: $15
Single Trip Oversize Permits (14'6" to 16' during Spring Road Restrictions): $135
Annual Self-Container Compact Truck Permit: $85
Annual Permit for Hay, Straw, or Corn Stalks (up to 12 feet wide, 14'6" high, 75 feet long): $60
Job Permit for Overweight Loads: $36
10-Foot Wide Snow Plow Seasonal Permit: $60
10% Overweight and Oversize Annual Permit (limited commodities): $200 – $900
Overweight Seasonal Permit for Sugar Beet, Potato, and Carrot Harvest: $60
10% Winter Weight Increase Seasonal Permit: $60
Livestock Overweight Annual Permit: $200
Commercial Boat Annual Permit: $120
Non-Commercial Boat Annual Permit: $60
Tow Truck Annual Permit: $300
6-Axle Raw or Unprocessed Agricultural Products Permit: $300
7-Axle Raw or Unprocessed Agricultural Products Permit: $500
Forest Product Overweight Annual Permit: $300
Minnesota Oversize and Overweight Permit Limits
Maximum Weight Limits with a Permit in Minnesota:
Single Axle Weight Permit: 20,000 pounds
Tandem Axle Weight Permit: 40,000 pounds
Tridem Axle Weight Permit: 60,000 pounds
Quad Axle Weight Permit: 72,000 pounds
Five-Axle Weight Permit: 92,000 pounds
Six-Axle Weight Permit: 112,000 pounds
Seven-Axle Weight Permit: 132,000 pounds
Eight-Axle Weight Permit: 144,000 pounds
Maximum Dimensions with a Permit in Minnesota:
Max Length: 130 feet
Max Width: 16 feet
Max Height: 16 feet 6 inches
Farm equipment operating at less than 30 miles per hour may be exempt.
Utility poles may also be exempt.