West Virginia
Escort Requirements
When Escorts are Needed # of Certified Escorts
On 2-Lane Highways:
Width 10’6” up to 12' | 1 Lead
Width over 12' up to 14' | 2 (Lead and Chase)
Width of 14'1" up to 15' | 2 (Lead and Chase)
Width of 15'1" up to 16' | 3 (2 Lead and Chase)
Width over 16' | As required by permit, move only on Sunday before noon
Length 75' to 95' | 1 Chase
Length over 95' to 100' | 2 (Lead and Chase)
Length over 100' | 2 (Lead and Chase)
Overhang over 10' | 1 (Lead or Chase)
Height over 15' | 1 Height-Pole
On 4 or More Lane Highways:
Width over 10'6" up to 12' | 1 Chase
Width over 12' up to 14' | 1 Chase
Width of 14'1" up to 15' | 2 (Lead and Chase)
Width of 15'1" up to 16' | 2 Chase Cars
Width over 16' | As required by permit, move only on Sunday before noon
Length 75' to 95' | No escort required
Length 95' to 100' | 1 (Chase)
Length over 100' | 2 (Lead and Chase)
Overhang over 10' | 1 (Lead or Chase per overhang)
Height over 15' | 1 Height-Pole
Districts and Parkway may require additional escort or time restrictions.
West Virginia Parkway Authority: Loads greater than 16' wide must be able to clear 2'9" high concrete barriers.
State Police: When nighttime travel is allowed due to a permit involving crossing of the WV state line and the adjacent state permit requires nighttime travel, all escorts as required on the permit must be replaced by police escort(s) if traveling at night.
Super Loads:
Weights or dimensions exceeding any of the limits for single trip permits are super loads.
No limit on weight but all loads must pass a bridge analysis.
No limit on dimensions (except for overhang) but overall size must be suitable for the route.
Escort vehicle requirements can vary widely from state to state, encompassing mandatory driver qualifications, training, certifications, vehicle weights, mandatory signage, flags, lighting specifications, essential onboard equipment, and other factors. The SafeGuard team is well-equipped to furnish you with comprehensive information on any additional requirements specific to your designated route.
Department of Transportation
State Capitol Complex
Building 5, Room 356
Charleston, WV 25305
PHONE: (304) 558-9547
Hours of Business
Mon-Fri 7:30 AM - 4:00 PM (Eastern time)