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A vehicle necessitates at least one escort under the following conditions:

  • A width exceeding 12' (two escorts are needed if the width exceeds 14) OR

  • A height exceeding 14’6” OR

  • A length exceeding 95’ (two escorts may be required in certain instances, see Operating Time - Restrictions).

An overlength vehicle, no longer than 105', may proceed without an escort if the vehicle combination has a minimum of three turning points, exclusive of the steering axle.

State Police Escorts: Law enforcement escorts are mandated under the following circumstances:

  • For loads over 16’ wide/high (two law escorts on state-maintained roadways at all times).

  • One law escort and one qualified escort are required when length is greater than 250’.

  • Loads with height greater than 16’ up to 18’ require one law escort in addition to one qualified Front escort with a vertical height indicator.

  • One law escort and one qualified escort are required when traveling on a limited access facility during nighttime hours.

  • Oversize loads traveling during nighttime hours.

  • Superloads that must travel across structures at a reduced speed.

  • Superload vehicles traveling against the flow of traffic.

Escorts must be certified to operate in Florida, meeting requirements such as courses on defensive driving and worksite traffic. Escorts already certified in another state will be accepted for loads with an origin or destination outside of Florida, and the escort resides out of state. Accepted programs include those from the following states: AZ, CO, GA, MN, NC, OK, VA (certificates issued after 1/1/2014 only for 8-hour training), WA, and WI.

Escort vehicle requirements can vary widely from state to state, encompassing mandatory driver qualifications, training, certifications, vehicle weights, mandatory signage, flags, lighting specifications, essential onboard equipment, and other factors. The SafeGuard team is well-equipped to furnish you with comprehensive information on any additional requirements specific to your designated route.



Office of Maintenance
Florida Department of Transportation
605 Suwannee
Permits Sections MS62
Tallahassee, FL 32399-0450
Brandt / DOT Permit Office
2740 Centerview Drive, Suite I-C
Tallahassee, FL 32301
T: (850) 410-5777

Hours of Business

Mon-Fri 7:30 AM - 5:30 PM | Sat 8AM - noon (Eastern time)


SafeGuard Pilot Cars

Charlotte, NC

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