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New Jersey

Escort Requirements:

When escorts are needed & number of escorts:

  • One escort vehicle is required when the width, including load, exceeds 14’ and/or when the length exceeds 100’. A Lead escort is required on highways with fewer than 4 traffic lanes. A Chase escort is required for highways with 4 or more lanes.

  • Two escort vehicles (Lead and Chase) are required when the width, including load, exceeds 16’ and/or when the length exceeds 120’.

  • One additional escort vehicle is required when an oversize vehicle or combination of vehicles is traveling during the nighttime hours of sunset to sunrise.

  • When the height, including load, exceeds 14’, utility employees need to be present if the load is conveyed along/across a public road or highway near the overhead wires of a street railway, traction company, or electric light or power company.

  • When 3 escort vehicles are required, there will be one Lead pilot, one Chase pilot, and the third will travel in the adjacent lane alongside the escorted vehicles on all highways with 3 or more lanes. When 3 or more highway lanes are not available, the third escort vehicle will become an additional Chase pilot.

Super loads:

New Jersey no longer defines super loads.

Escort vehicle requirements can vary widely from state to state, encompassing mandatory driver qualifications, training, certifications, vehicle weights, mandatory signage, flags, lighting specifications, essential onboard equipment, and other factors. The SafeGuard team is well-equipped to furnish you with comprehensive information on any additional requirements specific to your designated route.

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Department of Transportation
OS/OW Permit Office
1035 Parkway Avenue
PO Box 600
Trenton, NJ 08625
PHONE: (609) 530-6089

Hours of Business

7:30 AM - 4:00 PM (Eastern time)



SafeGuard Pilot Cars

Charlotte, NC

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